

Git Tutorial and "Coding" Standards

Author: Dr. Zachary Wartell, 2012 at UNC Charlotte.

Revised: Tue Feb 14 10:20:55 2023 -0500 (git logs)

Creative Commons License
Git Tutorial and Coding Standards by Zachary Justin Wartell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
Based on a work at

This page uses a variety of open source code modules ( Appendix I )


This is a gradable tutorial built around the excellent book, Pro Git by Scott Chacon ( The tutorial is customized for the computing environment in CCI at UNC Charlotte and targzets courses taught by the author, Prof. Zachary Wartell.

Document Configuration

Parts of this document are specific to particular operating systems, and particular Git servers.   In general, your instructor will tell you what git server to use for your class and will tell you what operating systems are allowable in your class.

Information for some specific courses is also given below:

Using the course specific information, select the Git server and operating system you are using in the dialog below.   Doing this will display the relevant sections of this document and hide the non-relevant ones.

Display Instructions For: 


This assignment assumes the reader has prerequisite knowledge of several topics.  Elaboration on these topics and additional resource materials are placed in sub-sections of this assignment at the points when the knowledge is first needed.  Such sub-section have headings that are prefixed with the phrase "[Pre-Req,]".   For convenience, the complete list of prerequisite topics are also listed below.

  1. Bash Command-Line Shell - 
  2. Environment Variables

Guide to Reading these Instructions

Installing Git

Git is a command-line client program that runs on your computer communicating to a Git server. Git servers uses various access protocols for security and authorization. Depending what access protocol your designated Git server uses you may need to have or install additional software beyond command-line Git. 

Depending on what computer you are working on, you may need to install the Git client tools.

Woodward Labs:  Windows computers in Woodward labs should have both the command-line Git, Bash, OpenSSH and TortoiseGit installed. Most Linux installations install these tools by default.  
If you are using UNCC computers with a different operating system please email the TA.

Home Computer:  If you are working on a personal home computer, you need to install the Git client tools.  Installation instructions are below in Installation_and_Setup_of_Command-Line and Installation_and_Setup_of_Git_GUIs

Installation of Command-Line Git

This section walks you through installing Git client tools on your computer, if your computer does not already have them installed.

Instructions below vary with your operating system.

  1. [YourOS=Windows]
    1. Download and Install Git for Windows,

      This installs a minimal Unix style shell (called ‘git-bash’), the basic OpenSSH tools and git.  During install select the options indicated in the sequence below:
    2. Note, git-bash does not install the standard Unix 'man' command which allows you to read the standard "Manual" pages for all Unix commands.   You can get some basic information for any command by typing a command name with just the parameter --help.    To find the complete man pages for a given Unix command, we suggest using    (There are ways to install the Unix man command and man pages into git-bash, but it is generally not worth the effort).

      Advanced Windows users might alternatively installing the much more complex "Unix emulators" or the comprehensive   However, the TA and professor cannot provide support for these more advanced choices.

  2. [YourOS=Linux] Typically, default Linux/Unix installations include Git.  If Git is not installed, then download and install Git from
  3. [YourOS=Mac]   Download and install Git from

If Unix style command-line shells are new for you, read the introduction at [WART2021] .  Linux and MacOS have a Unix style shell (bash or otherwise) built-in.

[Pre-Req.] Command-Line Interface Shell

The remainder of this assignment assumes you have knowledge of the material listed below.  Each listed topic contains recommended reading if you do not already know the topic.

  1. Bash Command-Line Shell:  The git instructions in this assignment and the Pro Git book use Bash, a particular command-line shell [WP2023]. You need to have basic mainy of the Bash shell.  A short introduction is [WART2021].
  2. Environment Variables:   Regarding environment variables, the reader should understand environment variables:  what they are and how to modify them.  In particular knowledge of the PATH environment variable is required.   A general discussion is found at [WP2016a] and with specifics on PATH at [WP2016b].    The method to modify environment variables differs across operating system.  See [Microsoft2016] for Windows or [Apple2016] for MacOS.

[Optional] Installation and Setup of Git GUI’s

Generally, the Git instructions in this document and any Git instructions given in this course will be given using Git command-line example code.  But many GUI Git tools are available as well. Use of GUI Git tools is optional.

  1. [YourOS=Window]
    Download and install TortoiseGit from
  2. [YourOS=Mac/Linux]
    Various Git GUIs are found here

Installation and Setup of OpenSSH

[] For any course using, skip Section 4. OpenSSH is not supported on cci-git.


This section is for Git servers that use the SSH protocol and the SSH public-key mechanism is for security and authorization. Your computer needs to have OpenSSH installed.

Download and Install OpenSSH

If you are working from a UNCC lab computer that already has Git for Windows and Putty installed, skip this section and go to the next section.

Instructions below vary with your operating system.

  1. [YourOS=Windows]
    1. Download and install PuTTY as follows:
      1. Download the Windows installer, putty-x.xx-installer.exe, from   Install it.
      2. Modify the PATH environment variable (Read Prerequisite P2).

        Add to the end of PATH the directory to where PuTTY is installed. Typically PuTTY is at "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY". 
      3. To verify the PATH setting:
        1. Open a git-bash shell via Start Menu→Git→Git Bash
        2. In the shell run plink: 
          lucretius@CCIWD-435B-1 ~/ITCS_3120
          $ plink
          PuTTY Link: command-line connection utility
          Release 0.63
          Usage: plink [options] [user@]host [command]
          ("host" can also be a PuTTY saved session name)
          […misc additional output will appear…]
  2. [YourOS=Linux] Generally this OS already has OpenSSH installed; if not see
  3. [YourOS=Mac] Download and Install OpenSSH from

Create an SSH private and public key

If you are already familiar with SSH private and public keys and you already have a public SSH key that you use regularly, then skip to step 4 below, but if you are using Windows still do Section Windows_Create_PuTTY_Private_Key .

Key creation has to be done only once. Afterwards, you can re-use your private key file for authorized access to the Git server from multiple computers.

The instructions below are fairly generic to any Unix like shell and assume basic knowledge as per Prerequisite P2.

  1. Open a shell prompt:
    1. [YourOS=Windows]:  Run:  Start => All Programs => Git => Git Bash
    2. [YourOS= Linux/Mac]:   Open a terminal window.
  2. Check for SSH Keys
    lucretius@CCIWD-435B-1 ~/
    $ cd ~/.ssh
    $ ls
    […misc additional output will appear…]

    Check the directory listing for a file named  This file should not exist, unless you must have previously created a public/private key pair. If you already created one, goto step 4. Otherwise proceed with step 3.
  3. Generate a new SSH Key
    lucretius@CCIWD-435B-1 ~/
    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""          [Use your UNCC email]
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/Zachary/.ssh/id_rsa):
    [Press Enter]

    Now you need to enter a passphrase.   Enter one and write it down in a safe place. When using Git, you will have to enter this each time you login to your computer.

    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type a passphrase]
    Enter same passphrase again: [reenter the passphrase]

    You will see output similar to this: 

    This creates two files a private key file id_rsa and a public key file  The private key file must be kept in a secure directory and must be available on any computer from which you plan to access the Git server.

    Securing Your Private Key:
    Best practices for private key management are that you never store the private key on a public computer or in shared home directories (H: drive, etc.). Rather you store them on your personal computer(s) and on a USB device used solely as a SSH key backup device. A reasonable way to transfer the private key to another personal computer is using a USB device.

    If you intend to use Git on multiple, different public or shared computers on campus, keeping the private key on a USB stick or drive that you regularly carry is a reasonable compromise. (If you are certain you will never use this key again outside of one particular course, it’s acceptable to store it on your H: drive since the course TA will disable your Git account at the end of the semester.)

  4. Examine Your Public Key:
    The public key is the file named   Type the following:
    $ cat ssh-rsa
    63ML1DT1eODbPa6fuaMP5z4NPCSO4Se0FbwmLuw3mVnzVuoCqk0SVIwF7yT+H4VO34sK5nLdeYJR2WS5tC0We8Vjrn student4120_wartell

    [your output should look similar] is a plain text file.   (Some operating systems may incorrectly identify the file as some other type of file).   Open using your preferred text editor (such as notepad.exe, etc.).    If you ever need to copy and paste the public key into another application (web browser, etc.) you can do that from within the text editor.
  5. Submit Your Public Key:
    1. [YourServer=cci-git]

      Warning: cci-git SSH protocol is no longer recommended, see instead this document’s Section: cci-git Server URL and Section: Accessing Git Server Using HTTPS and Git
      1. Login to using your standard UNCC username and password. You should then see your "Dashboard" (below). Select Profile Settings

      2. Select "SSH Keys"

      3. Select "Add SSH Key"
      4. Cut and paste the text from your public key file into the dialog box, give the key a title, and press Add Key:

  6. [YourOS=Windows] Window users also need to perform the next section, Windows_Create_PuTTY_Private_Key.

Create PuTTY Private Key

This section is for Windows only

(only servers Bitbucket)



then the following is required to generate PuTTY compatible version of your private key.

  1. Run PuTTYgen:    Start Menu PuttyPuTTYgen
  2. From the PuTTYgen menu bar select Conversions and then Import Key on the drop-down menu.
    This pop’s up dialog: Load Private Key.
  3. In Load Private Key find the private key file you created in Create_an_SSH_private_and_public_key and open it.   You will be prompted for your passphrase.
  4. In the PuTTY Key Generator window select Save Private Key.
    1. Save the key to a file named id_rsa.ppk in the same directory as where you stored your standard private key file.

      You should keep the PuTTY private key and the standard private key safe as described in Create_an_SSH_private_and_public_key.

Full vs Micro Tutorial

You should do only either the Full Tutorial or the Micro Tutorial.   To do only the Micro Tutorial, you need to get approval from the course instructor as described below.

The Full Git Tutorial requires reading chapters in the ProGit book and completing a number of exercises.

The Micro Git Tutorial is for students already familiar with Git and with using the Git command-line interface using a operating system shell such as Bash.

To get approval to do the Micro Tutorial, you must:

  1. Submit a short statement through the Micro Tutorial Canvas assignment
  2. Receive approval feedback from the professor through that Canvas assignment
  3. Complete the Micro Tutorial instructions in Section 7 (skipping Section 6, of course).

initial refspec: main vs master

When you create a git repository, it is given a default name called a "refspec". Roughly, a refspec is string that names the version of the repo with which you are currently working. In the broader use of git, git is designed to and track and manage multiple differing versions of a repo where the versions are called "branches" in git terminology. A branch can be identified by a string name call it's refspec. The early convention when a repo was created was to use the name "master" (as in a master recording or a master key). It is increasingly common to instead use the name "main". The git program does not specify any particular initial name -- it is determined by the git repo's creator. Some WWW git servers provide a default which is changeable.

Full Git Tutorial

The instructions below guide you through reading chapters in the ProGit Book, 2nd Edition at

The instructions steps labeled “Exercise: PG: Section_Name” you need to perform the details in the ProGit ("PG") section named "Section_Name" and save your work. 

can perform 99% of the below exercises even without access to the Git server, but to submit your exercises (via git push) you will need git server access.

You will submit the entire set of exercises with a final git push.   For some exercises, the outline below has additional instructions or clarifications in paragraph's labeled Notes:

  1. ExerciseCreate git-tutorial directory
    1. Open a operating system shell prompt.
    2. Create a directory called ‘git-tutorial’ for performing and saving the exercises (commands mkdir, etc. again see [WART2021] .)
  2. ExerciseCreate and Setup Git Server Access.
    1. Create and setup your account on the Git server used in your class and setup the recommended git client access method as described in the Appendix I-3 Git_Server_Access,
  3. ProGit - Chapter 1:
    1. Read ProGit 1.1 – 1.4
    2. Skip ProGit 1.5 (this was covered in this tutorial’s Installing_Git).
    3. Read ProGit 1.6.  Also for the chapter subsections list below, do the subsections described exercises using command-line git.
      1. ExercisePG:“Your Identity ” - perform all steps
      2. ExercisePG:Your Editor ” - perform all steps
        Note: use whatever simple editor you prefer (notepad.exe perhaps)
      3. Exercise:  PG:“Checking Your Settings ” - perform all steps
  4. ProGit - Chapter 2:
    1. Read ProGit 2.1:
      1. Read the first few paragraphs, until sub-section Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory
      2. Exercise:  Download the required practice files, 'my_project.tar.gz', as described below.
        Sub-section "Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory" assumes you have created a set of files in a directory called 'my_project'.   To create and get these files, in your browser click the following link to download these files:   my_project.tar.gz .   After downloading copy the file to your git-tutorial directory.  Then uncompress the tar.gz file as follows:
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120 tar -xf my_project.tar.gz
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120 ls -R
        my_project my_project.tar.gz

        main.c LICENSE

        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120 rm my_project.tar.gz [don’t need this anymore]
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120 cd my_project

      3. Exercise: PG: Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory

        Perform the instructions in this section, using the my_project directory you just created.

      4. Exercise: PG: “Cloning an Existing Repository
        Return to your git-tutorial directory:

        Perform the book’s exercises.  This will create various clones of a remote repo mentioned in the book in your git-tutorial directory.
      5. Exercise Push the pre-existing local repo to a remote repo.
        1. Create a remote repository on the git server called my-project.   (Note, there is a strong convention to name the URL remote repo's with lower case and only dash's (-), no spaces are underscores (_)).  
          Follow the instructions in Appendix II "How to Create New Remote Repository" 
        2. To connect your local repo to the remote repo do as shown below, where URL of my-project is the full URL of the remote repo.
          ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/my-project git remote add origin URL of my-project
          ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/my-project git push origin main t
          [ the credential manager that you install will now prompt you for your user id and PAT]
          Enumerating objects: 3, done.
          Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
          Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 211 bytes | 211.00 KiB/s, done.
          Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
           * [new branch]      main -> main

    2. Read ProGit 2.2:
      1. Download the required practice files, 'ProGit_Chapter_2_2.tar.gz'. 
        In your browser click the following link to download these files:   ProGit_Chapter_2_2.tar.gz.   Then uncompress the tar.gz file as follows:
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/git-tutorial/my-project cd ..
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/git-tutorial
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/git-tutorial
        tar -xf ProGit_Chapter_2_2.tar.gz ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120 < rm ProGit_Chapter_2_2.tar.gz
        [you can delete this now]
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120 0/git-tutorial cd ProGit_Chapter_2_2

        Perform the Chapter 2.2 exercises in the Chapter_2_2 directory.
      2. Exercise: PG: “Checking the Status of Your Files ” - perform all steps

        Note: Use whatever text file editor you are familiar with instead of vim for the “$vim README“ and similar examples in this ProGit chapter.

      3. Exercise: PG: Tracking New Files   - perform all steps
      4. Exercise Push the pre-existing local repo to a remote repo.
        1. Create a remote repository on the git server called progit-chapter-2-2.   Follow the instructions in Appendix II "How to Create New Remote Repository" 
        2. To connect your local repo to the remote repo do as shown below, where is the full URL of the remote repo.
          ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/git-tutorial/ProGit_Chapter_2_2 git remote add origin URL of my-project
          ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/git-tutorial/ProGit_Chapter_2_2 git push origin main t
          [ the credential manager that you install will now prompt you for your uzwartenm and PAT]
      5. Exercise [Optional]: GUI Git Tool; These exercises are optional. optional.
        1. [YourOS=Windows]
          Using TortoiseGit, open an Explorer window and goto the Chapter_2_2 directory. Right-click to see the TortoiseGit shell extension commands. Test and explore the following TortoiseGit operations from the menu: Show Log, Check for Modifications, Repo-Browser and Diff, Diff with previous and Help.

          TortoiseGit Help “Chapter 3. Daily Use Guide” discusses TortoiseGit (the earlier TortoiseGit Help chapters are largely redundant with the ProGit book)

        2. [YourOS=Linux/Mac]
          This tutorial document does not proscribe any particular GUI Git tool.  Feel free to experiment with whatever one you prefer.   This step (iv. GUI Git Tool) has no deliverables, so you can skip this step if you want.
      6. Exercise: Staging Modified Files - perform all steps

        Note:  When the book discusses making changes to various files, just make any small change to each file.
      7. Exercise: PG: Short Status - perform all steps
      8. Exercise: PG: Ignoring Files - perform all steps
      9. Exercise: PG: Viewing Your Staged and Unstaged Changes   - perform all steps

          When the book discusses making changes to various files, just make any small change to each file.
      10. Exercise: PG: Committing Your Change - perform all steps
      11. Exercise: PG: Skipping the Staging Area - perform all steps
      12. Exercise: PG: Removing Files - perform all steps
      13. Exercise: PG: Moving Files - perform all steps
      14. Exercise Push updates to remote remote repo.
        ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/ProGit_Chapter_2_2 git push origin main t
    3. Read ProGit 2.3
      1. Exercise: PG: Viewing the Commit History

        Do the first two exercises, cloning simplegit-progit into:
        Stop at the chapter's instruction “$ git log -p -2“.
      2. Exercise: Forking simplegit-progit
        Forking is a more advanced concept used to borrow and contribute to a code module developed by someone else. Forking is used when they have made the module available on a remote repo from which you may clone, but to which you do not have permission to push (because they are the creator/maintainer of the module). In many fork workflows, your forked copy would reside on the same git server hosting the developer's remote repo. However, in this exercise you will use an alternate fork workflow where your forked copy resides on cci-git while the developer's repo resides on GitHub. To fork simplegit-progit do as follows:
        1. Create a remote repository on the git server called simplegit-progit. Follow the instructions in Appendix II "How to Create New Remote Repository" 
        2. Next do as follows:
          ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/simplegit-progit git remote rename origin upstream [This renames the source repo to 'upstream', a common convention] ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/simplegit-progit git remote add origin URL of your repo created above
          [This associates the origin ref with your remote repo]
          ada@turing42 ~/ITCS_3120/simplegit-progit git push origin --all
          [This pushes all tags to your remote repo]
  5. Exercise: Verify all your pushed remote repositories on your Git server following the instructions in Section Verify Your Remote Repository ).
  6. Further Reading [Optional]:   As you progress in learning and using Git, the next most important concept to learn is branching. This tutorial does not include any branching exercises. For future reference, at some point you should finish reading ProGit Chapter 2 and then read the ProGit Chapter 3 Git Branching .

This completes the Full Git Tutorial.

Micro Git Tutorial

The micro tutorial, is not so much a tutorial, as simply a quick verification that you have full read/write access to your remote repository on the Git server.  For most courses, students must ask the professor via email for permission to perform this micro tutorial and to skip the full git tutorial.  (At the professor's discretion, in certain advanced courses, all students will be directly instructed to just perform the Micro Git Tutorial).

  1. ExerciseShell / Git Setup
    The first time git is used in bash (or in another equivalent shell), you need to perform some git configuration steps.   If you installed bash for the first time on your computer, or if you are using git for the first time within another shell you choose to use, then you need to perform the following:
    1. Read ProGit 1.6.  This chapter subsection and do the subsection's described exercises in the shell:
      1. ExercisePG:“Your Identity ” - perform all steps
      2. ExercisePG:Your Editor ” - perform all steps
        : use whatever simple editor you prefer (notepad.exe perhaps)
      3. Exercise:  PG:“Checking Your Settings ” - perform all steps

  2. ExerciseCreate and Setup Git Server Access.
    Create and setup your account on the Git server used in your class and setup the recommended git client access method as described in the Appendix I-3 Git_Server_Access,   Then use the shell you opened when following that section’s instructions to perform the next steps.
  3. Create a new remote repo:
    1. [YourServer=cci-git]
      Create new remote repo on cci-git called, git-micro-tutorial. using the procedures of Appendix I-3 Git_Server_Access.
      Do not forget to to share your repo with the TA and Professor (as discussed in the Appendix section Basic Git Operations).
  4. Create local repo and link to the new remote repo:

    In the instructions below, for input text remote_repo_path, substitute one the following: In the instructions below, for input URL of remote repo use the URL as listed on the server (see Appendix section Basic Git Operations). for details).
    1. [YourServer=cci-git]     

      https:// your_user_id>
    $ mkdir git-micro-tutorial
    $ cd git-micro-tutorial
    $ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in git-micro-tutorial/.git/

    $ git remote add origin URL of remote repo remote_repo_path/git-micro-tutorial.git
  5. Create a new file:
    $ echo Hello > Test.txt
  6. Add, commit and push to the Git server remote repo.
    $ git add .
    [..misc output...]
    $ git commit -a -m "-submitted git-micro-tutorial assignment"
    [..misc output...]
    $ git push -u origin main
    [..misc output...]
  7. Verify your Git server’s remote repository.  (See Section 9.3 Verify Your Remote Repository ).

This completes the Micro Git Tutorial.

Git Server Access

This appendix describes access methods specifics for different Git servers.  Your instructor will tell you which server you should use (review Section Guide to Reading these Instructions).

This appendix is designed as a reference. The tutorial sequence (found in Sections 1-6) and future class assignments refer to various subsections in this Appendix. URL List


Access using the HTTPS protocol. Below is a list of the URL’s you will typically use. See Section Accessing_Git_Server_Using_HTTPS_and_Credentials for instructions on accessing these git URLs.

Your user name and password for all access to cci-git is your UNCC username and password.

  1. Student Repository:   The Git URL is:

  2. Course Repository: The course repo’s and material will be found at URL’s such as:

    The ITCS_Class_URL_Name will be given you with your assignments or tutorial instructions.

  3. Web Server:

    You only need to access the website via web browser when creating new repositories and for GitLab specific operations.   Most, git operations will be performed using the Git command-line.

Git Authentication Protocols

Git servers support numerous authentication protocols. Use the protocol in the sub-section below that is listed as being recommended for the Git server used in your class.

Git Server Personal Access Token Protocol


cci-git is a GitLab server.  The recommended protocol is the Personal Access Token (PAT) protocol.

Creating an Access Token

You only have to create the access token once for your cci-git account.  You then save the token (like a password) and re-use it every time you access the cci-git server.
  1. In your browser sign in to  You will be prompted for by the UNCC SSO for your standard UNCC user id and password.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click your avatar and select Settings.
  3. On the User Settings menu (left side), select Access Tokens.
  4. Choose a name and optional expiry date for the token.
    1. The suggested name is "git-bash"
  5. For the desired scopes, choose write_repository
  6. Click the Create personal access token
  7. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. In the screen shot below (1) unhide the PAT and then (2) copy the PAT code.  Note this PAT code is essentially a password and you should treat it as such. If you navigate away or refresh your page, and you do not save the token, you will have to create a new one.

Verifying the Access Token

  1. Now, to test and verify read-access to the server, clone the welcome repo:

    $ git clone https://Your UNCC user id> welcome
    Cloning into 'welcome'...
    remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
    remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.

  2. Note, the access token will be recorded in the git remote, which is demonstrated at follows.   This implies you do not want to use the Access Token Protocol to clone into a directory that is not secure and only accessible by yourself.

    $ git remote -v
    origin  https://Your UNCC user id> (fetch)
    origin  https://
    Your UNCC user id> (push)

Using of the Access Token

In the future, whenever you use git bash to git clone a repo from, you first determine the standard repo URL such as:

When performing a git clone, you use the extended PAT syntax URL shown below:

https://Your UNCC user id>

However, this extra typing can be avoided if you install a Git Credential Manager which is described next.

Using PAT with a Git Credential Manager

By default, the HTTPS with PAT protocol requires you to frequnetly enter your UNCC username and PAT password.   This also leaves your PAT password visible via the command git remote -v.

Installing a Git Credential Manager can avoid these two issues   Depending on your operating system, this may require installing additional software .   However, it is generally worth the effort.   The steps are as follows:

  1. Read ProGit Git Tools - Credential Storage ., but stop reading at section "Under the Hood".
  2. Based on your operating system pick the appropriate credential system as described in the above ProGit chapter.

    Warning: Do NOT use "store mode" because this will save your UNCC password unencrypted on disk!
    1. [OS=Windows] Assuming you are using Git-Bash
      $  git config --global credential.helper manager
    2. [OS=everything else] Follow links discussed in Git Tools - Credential Storage .
To test the Credential Manager, perform the following steps:
  1. To test read-access to the server by cloning the welcome repo:

    $ git clone welcome
    Cloning into 'welcome'...
    remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
    remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.

    1. When prompted for you userid ID and password, you must enter you UNCC userid and your PAT password.
Henceforth when you perform git command-line operations, you can now use the standard repo URL, rather than the extended PAT syntax URL.

Git Server SSH Protocol

[] - SSH is not recommended for cci-git.. Use the Git Server Access Token Protocol instead.   (Past semesters the SSH protocol has been blocked by various on-campus firewalls and/or prone to disconnection in the middle of Git operation).
  • Staff Note:  Since it's inception, had limited access via ssh.   UNCC wireless seemed to block ssh or drop ssh connections intermittently.  Further, sometime in 2019/2020 (?) UNCC OneIT seems to have blocked all off-campus ssh access, even for faculty connecting with VPN.   Dr. Wartell's experience indicates this further security locking down will never change.


For servers using the SSH access method, this section covers:

  1. Starting and logging into an ssh-agent daemon in a command-line.
  2. Example Git operations using the Git server.

[Linux/Mac] Starting the ssh-agent daemon

These steps much be done each time you login into a computer if you want to access the Git server. They start the ssh-agent daemon process which manages Git’s authentication to the Git server.

These steps will only work after you submit you public key to the TA and he has confirmed that it has been added to the Git server.

  1. Start your command-line shell
  2. Start the ssh-agent daemon process
    This starts a ssh-agent daemon and a new bash shell that is setup to communicate with the ssh-agent daemon.

  3. Load your private key into the ssh-agent daemon.
  4. To verify ssh-agent access: 
    1. [YourServer=cci-git]
      $ ssh

      The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
      have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
      think it is.
      The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
      ssh-rsa 2048 aa:32:4a:f4:4e:96:bc:cb:46:3d:b9:de:64:bc:19:ef )
      [^ exact number may differ ^]
      If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to
      PuTTY's cache and carry on connecting.
      If you want to carry on connecting just once, without
      adding the key to the cache, enter "n".
      If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the
      Store key in cache? (y/n) [TYPE yes]
      Warning: Permanently added ‘,10.18.2013.162’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
      Using username "git".
      Server refused to allocate pty
      Welcome to GitLab, zwartell. [zwartell will be your username]
    2. [YourServer=bitbucket]
      The above verifies your ssh-agent is successfully passing your key through ssh to Bitbucket.
  5. To verify read-access to the welcome repo do as follows:

    For input text welcome_repo_path below, substitute the following based on your server::
    1. [cci-git]
    $ git clone welcome_repo_path

    The authenticity of host ‘’ (’ can’t be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is e2:6f:ac:ff:a3:30:a2:0e:c2:d6:98:f4:78:55:c5:7f.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? [type yes]
    Warning: Permanently added ‘,10.18.2013.162’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    […the above will only appear the first time you connect to the git-viscenter …]
    Cloning into 'welcome'...
    remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
    remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Receiving objects: 100% (6/6), 5.50 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.

    Possible Errors
    : If you are prompted for a password here, either the ssh-agent daemon is not setup right or your public key has not been registered yet.

[Windows] Starting the ssh-agent daemon

When you login into a computer from which want to connect to your Git server, you must perform these steps once. The steps start the ssh-agent daemon which manages Git’s authentication to the Git server.

These steps will only work after you submit your public key to the Git server.

These instructions allow both TortoiseGit and command-line Git to use the same ssh-agent daemon.

Start Pageant

  1. Run Pageant:
    General:   Start Menu→Putty→Pagent  
    This will create a Pageant system tray icon.
  2. On the Pageant system tray icon, right-click and select Add Keys from the menu. This will open a dialog box. 
  3. Using the dialog, open your id_rsa.ppk file.  You will be prompted for your passphrase.

    This starts PuTTY’s version of the ssh-agent daemon. The ssh-agent will continue to run until you log off your computer.

    Start and Use the Command-Line Shell

  4. Start the Git-Bash shell: Start Menu→Git→Git-Bash
  5. To tell git to use the ssh client compatible with TortoiseGit type the following:


    Optionally to avoid the requirement of setting the GIT_SSH variable each time you run Git-Bash, add the above line to the .bash_profile file (see Appendix 11.2).
  6. To verify the Pagent ssh-agent daemon is working:
    1. [YourServer=bitbucket]
    2. [YourServer=cci-git]
  7. To verify read-access to the welcome repo:

    For input text welcome_repo_path below, substitute the following based on your server::
    1. [bitbucket]
    2. [cci-git]

    Possible Errors: If you are prompted for a password here, either the ssh-agent daemon is not setup right or your public key has not been registered yet.

Git Server HTTPS Protocol with UNCC SSO and Credential Manager

[YourServer=cci-git] Use the Git Server Personal Access Token Protocol instead.
  • Staff Note: The SSO protocol worked throughout the exitence of until Spring 2020.   Starting Fall 2020, cci-git no longer worked reliably with this protocol.

Activate and Verify UNCC Account

If you have never used before, your UNCC account will need to be activated.   To activate your UNCC account you need to log into via a web browser. During this first login, creates an account for you that will henceforth your UNCC's Single-Sign-On (SSO) username and password.

Verify Activation of Account:

To verify activation you will clone a repo from cci-git using the command-line.

First, as of September 2016, there is a problem with the cci-git server's SSL certificate.   You should disable Git’s automatic checkings for a SSL certificate as follows:

$ git config --global http.sslVerify false
(The above Git setting is saved on your computer, so you only need to set it once).

Now, to test and verify read-access to the server, clone the welcome repo: 

$ git clone
[…you will prompted for you UNCC user id and password]
Cloning into 'welcome'...
remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

The next section discusses how to avoid repeatedly entering your username and password when using the shell.

Using Git HTTPS Protocol with Git Credential Manager

By default, the HTTPS protocol will require you to enter your UNCC username and password everytime you perform a remote Git operation (clone, push, etc.).    To save typing, you may use the Git Credential Storage mechanism to avoid typing in a password over and over again.

Note, the instructions below are a repetition of those found in this document Section Full_Git_Tutorial.

  1. Read ProGit Git Tools - Credential Storage .  Stop at section Under the Hood.
  2. Based on your operating system pick the appropriate credential system as described in the above ProGit chapter.

    Warning: Do NOT use "store mode" because this will save your UNCC password unencrypted on disk!
    1. [OS=Windows] Assuming you are using Git-Bash
      $  git config --global credential.helper manager
    2. [OS=everything else] Follow links discussed in Git Tools - Credential Storage .

Common Git Operations

This appendix is a reference section, the tutorial itself (Sections 1-6) links to various subsections in this appendix.

This appendix is designed as a reference. The tutorial sequence (found in Sections 1-6) and future class assignments refer to various subsections in this Appendix.

Basic Git Operations

  1. How to Create New Remote Repository:
    Instructions below vary based on your server.
    1. [YourServer=cci-git]
      1. Login to the cci-git Web Server (See 7.1 cci-git Server URL)
      2. Create a new project by making the selections shown in the screen capture below.   In screen captures below whenever you must select multiple buttons, each button press is labeled with a number indicating the sequence in which you should make the selections.
      3. Set up a new project and repo:
        Note, in GitLab each repo has an Owner.    The Owner can invite other GitLab users as Members to that repo.   The Owner controls what access permissions each Member has.  For this class, you must be the Owner of all your repo's.   You will additionally invite the TAs and professor as Members of each repo so they can access your repos.
        3/13/2023: Elaborated details on "Owner" vs "Member"
        Create your new project selecting the settings shown below.    For action #2 select your user name to make you the Owner of the project.   (Do not select the group "itcs-3120-wartell/students/FirstName LastName" for action #2).

      4. Open the Members dialog by making the menu selections below.
      5.  Next, you will add permission for the professor and TAs to access your project.  Perform the actions indicated in the following screen captures.
        1. Select Invite Group: 2/13/2023: Updated course workflow to use private student groups. This simplifies student repo management and grading.
        2. Add Your Private Student Group: 2/13/2023: Updated course workflow to use private student groups. This simplifies student repo management and grading.
          Each student in this course has a private group accessible only to the student (yourself) and the course grading staff (professor, TA's, graders, etc.).    The group name will be similar to "itcs-3120-wartell/students/FirstName LastName" where FirstName and LastName are your name as recorded in your GitLab profile.   (If a your GitLab profile does not record a name, then your private group name will be "itcs-3120-wartell/students/uncc_user_id").

          Invite your private group to your repo, using the dialog below and give that group "Reporter" access.
      6. Finally, you should disable the Auto DevOps feature for your project.   (Otherwise gitlab is likely to generate extra error messages later on when you perform git command line operations).

        1. Open the  Settings and CI/CD.
        2. . Under Auto DevOps click Open the Expand.
        3. Uncheck the checkbox, Default to AutoDevOps Pipeline, and click Save Changes.

      7. Finally, you should verify that you can clone your created repository.   To determine the URL make the selection below:
        Then clone the repo:
        ~/ITCS_3120/ mkdir verify; cd verify
        ~/ITCS_3120/verify git clone URL of of the Repo
        Cloning into 'my-first-repo'...
        warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
        Checking connectivity... done.

        $ ls my-first-repo
  2. How to Push to New Remote Repository:
    To push files to a new emptyremote repository, such as one created in following Item #2 (above) do as follows. Assume the remote is called Project_Example.git:
    1. [YourServer=cci-git]
      1. Option Igit clone:  
        If you have not already created files in a local directory that you want to import, performing the following:
        $ git clone your_uncc_user_id/Project_Example.git
        Cloning into 'Project_Example'...
        warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
        Checking connectivity... done.

        $ cd Project_Example
        [… create, add and commit files… below is just an example] $ touch
        $ git add
        $ git commit -m "add README"
        [ main (root-commit) dd8e1a0] add README
         1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
         create mode 100644
             $ git push -u origin main
        $ git push -u origin main

        Counting objects: 3, done.
        Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 219 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
        Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

      2. Option II:   git init:
        If you already created files in a local directory (call it Project_Example and that local directory is not already a local Git repo, perform the following: (1) initialize that directory as a local Git repo and (2) push it the remote Git repo:
        $ cd Project_Example
        $ git init
        Initialized empty Git repository in Project_Example/.git/
        $ git remote add origin
        $ git add -A
        $ git commit –m "-initial import"
        $ git push -u origin main

        Counting objects: 3, done.
        Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 219 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
        Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
  3. Deleting a remote repo:
    1. [YourServer=cci-git] See

Course Git Policies

This appendix is a reference section, the tutorial itself (Sections 1-6) links to various subsections in this appendix.

This appendix is designed as a reference. The tutorial sequence (found in Sections 1-6) and future class assignments refer to various subsections in this Appendix.

Submitting Class Assignments

Submit all your assignments by using Git add, commit and push to upload your code to your Git repository subdirectory.

Your projects will be graded based on the version of your code that is git-push’ed to the Git server at the time of the due date for the project.

Keep the repository clean!!!

It is standard practice when using version control software to not commit intermediate or output files generated by the compiler into the repository.  Intermediate or output compilation files are all regenerated when someone else checkout’s the source code and recompiles it. Like all compilers MSVS 20xx C++ compiler generates lots of these (*.ncb, *.ilk, *.exe, *.obj, etc.).  

Rule: Do not commit such intermediate files to your Git repository!

 Fortunately, you can automate this process using the .gitignore mechanism (see [Chacon2016]).


Adding intermediate auto-generated files to the repository is wasteful, messy and can create subtle problems.  Many intermediate files will create compilation problems if they are copied between different computers. Putting them in the repository is equivalent to such copying. 

By convention, the following files should be put in the repository depending on your programming language and development tools.

C++ Code Rules

The following files should be put in the repository:
  • source code files (.cpp, .h, etc.)
  • compilation scripts or project files
    • Under MSVS 2010 for C++:  
      .vcxproj, .sln, .vcxproj.user
      • Under earlier MSVS versions: 
        .vcproj, .sln, .vcproj.<username>.<machinename>.user
    • CMake files
  • a .txt file or .doc file describing what parts of the project you completed or left incomplete, etc.
  • any input files such as image files or other data files required by your program
  • any subdirectories containing the above files

When adding subdirectories, be careful not to blindly submit their entire contents because often they contain additional automatically generated files.    If you make a mistake just delete the intermediate files from the repo.

JavaScript and WebGL Code Rules

 The following files should be put in the repository:

  • source code files:
    • .js, .html
  • compilation scripts or project files
    • these will depend on your IDE.   Google search will usually turn up a forum discussion on which project files from a particular IDE should be commit'ed to a repo.
  • a .txt file or .doc file describing what parts of the project you completed or left incomplete, etc.
  • any input files such as image files or other data files required by your program
  • any subdirectories containing the above files

When adding subdirectories, be careful not to blindly submit their entire contents because often they contain additional automatically generated inetermediate files.    If you make a mistake just git delete the intermediate files from the repo. 

Verify Your Remote Repository

The TA only sees your remote Git server repo’s.

Rule:  Always make sure your assignment appears as you expect in the remote repo (on the Git server).

The Ultimate Verification:

The ultimate way to verify the remote repo contains the files you think it does is to clone it into to another directory and check that second cloned copy for completeness.   You should do this when you are completely done with your assignment.

 Some Safety Checks:

Performing The Ultimate Verification while you are developing code is tedious. During software development the following are good practices to keep track of your commit’s and push’s.

  • git-status

    Good Result:
    lucretius@CCIWD-435B-1 ~/ITCS_4120/Project_42
    $ git status
    # On branch main
    nothing to commit, working directory clean

    The above indicates everything is good.   You have no file changes that have not been committed to the local repo and no local repo commits that have not been pushed to the remote repo.

    Maybe Bad:
    If you get messages like:
    lucretius@CCIWD-435B-1 ~/ITCS_4120/Project_42
    $ git status
    # On branch main 
    # Untracked files:
    #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    #       junk_or_important.txt

    then you have untracked files (but you have push’ed all your commits).  This maybe ok as along as these files aren’t files that belong in a repo (such as temporary files).  You might consider adding to the .gitignore file (see [Chacon2016]).

    If you get a message like:
    lucretius@CCIWD-435B-1 ~/ITCS_4120/Project_42
    $ git status
    # On branch main
    # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main ' by 1 commit.
    #   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
    nothing to commit, working directory clean
    then you have not pushed all your latest changes to the remote repo. Do a git-push before the final assignment deadline. 

  • [Optional] TortoiseGit – Optionally, another good way to check with the TortoiseGit shell extension is using Check for Modifications. This will show you whether you have any changes not commited to the local repo (but make sure to check the box, Show Unversioned Files).   Below we see one file is untracked.

    However, Check for Modifications will not tell you whether you have pushed all your commits to the remote repo.  

    For that use the TortoiseGit shell extension and select Git Sync. The following Git Sync dialog box would indicate your local repo has committed changes that you have not pushed to the server remote repo:

However, Git Sync does not show you if you have changes to local files that you have not commited to the local repo!

  Open Source Modules

This HTML5 document uses the following open source modules:


  1. [WART2021] Unix Primer - Basic Commands In the Unix Shell,
  2. [Chacon2016] Scott Chacon, Pro Git, Apress,  2nd Edition at
  3. [Microsoft2016] "To add or change the values of environment variables", Windows XP Professional Product Documentation, Performance and maintenance.
  4. [GNU2016] Bash Reference Manual,
  5. [WP2016a] "Environment Variable : Details", Wikipedia.
  6. [WP2016b] "PATH (variable)", Wikipedia.
  7. [WP2023] "Shell Computing", Wikipedia, Accessed Jan. 2023.